Half Of Democratic Ad Spending Hits GOP On Healthcare by Bruce Japsen
Half of the political advertising spent by Democrats running for office in midterm elections this fall is on healthcare, a new analysis shows.
A new report released Monday by the group Protect Our Care shows Democrats are riding a wave of support thanks in part to Republican attempts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and other efforts to strip Americans of patient protections. And healthcare is the issue these Democratic candidates are using in 50% of their ads to help sweep them back into power in Washington and governor’s offices across the country.
The ads often point out Republicans voted many times in the last two years to repeal the ACA and its patient protections during Donald Trump’s time in the White House and even when President Barack Obama was in office. Ads also attack Republicans like Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley for being among 18 Republican attorneys general and two GOP governors who are attempting in federal court to declare as unconstitutional protections for patients with pre-existing conditions.
The use of healthcare to boost Democrats is in sharp contrast to 2010 when Republicans swept into power, winning control of the U.S. House of Representatives largely thanks to a campaign attacking the ACA, also known as “Obamacare.” As the law has expanded health coverage to more than 20 million Americans, it’s an entitlement rising in popularity much like Medicare coverage for the elderly or Medicaid for people with low incomes. But the ACA’s patient protections hit closer to home for more Americans than just those who gained coverage.
There are more than 130 Americans who have at least one pre-existing condition. And more than 30 million individuals between the ages of 55 and 64 who have a pre-existing condition and could have been denied coverage before the ACA began to take effect.
The ads appear to be working to grab voters attention with the report showing healthcare as a "top Google search in more than three-quarters of congressional districts."
Democrats say a day or week doesn't go by that voters and constituents don't ask about healthcare and whether the ACA's protections are in place and coverage is going to remain available given Trump remains in the White House and Republicans control the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.
"What they really are asking is: will there be healthcare for me," U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan, (D-New Hampshire) said in a conference call with Protect Our Care Monday afternoon. "I believe on Nov. 6, Americans are going to hold Republicans accountable for their sabotage."
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucejapsen/2018/10/15/half-of-democratic-ad-spending-targets-healthcare-as-midterms-loom/#7743f39f65a0