New medical technology for kidney dialysis by Tim Sandle
The company Kibow Biotech has undertaken further validation of Its "Enteric Dialysis®" Technology, and Renadyl™ Product Formulation, designed for maintaining healthy kidney function.
The biotechnology is designed and sold to hospitals and medical centers and it is an example of important developments within the biotech space. Renadyl is the only kidney health supplement formulated to maintain healthy kidney function.Kibow Biotech began developing genetically engineered probiotics. These are used to address the toxins that build up due to reduced kidney function (such as indoles, phenols and amines). This probiotic forms part of the concept of "Enteric Dialysis®", which was set out in a 1996 research paper titled "Will the Bowel be the Kidney of the Future?" This paper looked at the Gut-Kidney connection and the role of microorganisms.Kibow moved away from genetically engineered probiotics and began to use three strains of bacteria that serve as probiotics capable of carrying out the same function. These viable organisms were incorporated into the kidney health supplement called Renadyl. The concept behind this is that these intestinal microbiota provide essential functions which the human body, by itself, is unable to supply. The probiotic has the ability to target and help reduce the buildup of uremic toxins in the body, thus helping to maintain healthy kidney function.The Renadyl supplement was then subjected to assessment, which consisted of SHIME machine in vitro studies; nephrectomized animal studies in rats and retired zoo animals. The test animals had moderate to severe kidney failure. This was then followed by safety dose-escalation clinical trials in humans. Finally, efficacy clinical trials in dialysis patient populations were performed.The success of Kibow Biotech is within the context of nine out of ten biotech companies failing within the first five years of business. Kibow has now been operating for twenty-years. Tis success rests on remaining innovative.For further verification, the company has undertaken a series of customer surveys which chows a positive impact upon the user's quality of life. The most recent survey, showed stabilization of kidney function measured by Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR). GFR is a key metric for assessing kidney function, and is used to classify stages of chronic kidney disease.A further study will be held. This is the placebo controlled, large-scale clinical trial titled "Hope Study”, designed as a multi-site Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) clinical trial.